The staple sustenances for the populace of Cambodia are rice and fish. Cambodian like to consume rice, crisp or dried fish and rice noodles.
Prohoc is a Cambodian dish that the tenants of Cambodia imagine that the outsiders won't have the capacity to consume. This is an uncommon dish that is contained spoiled fish being left to maturation to structure a fish glue. This is consumed with rice. This nourishment thing has a solid taste that is not generally enjoyed by everybody.
One of the fascinating truths about Cambodian nourishments that you ought to know is that the Cambodian feel cheddar should dependably suggest a flavor like the glue made of spoiled fish.
Hot peppers, lemon grass, ginger and mint are a portion of the top choice, hot flavoring things in Cambodian food.
Like everybody, even Cambodian like to have sweets after the fundamental course and they favor the sweeter ones. The pastries are normally arranged from either apples and oranges or rice. Owing to the climate conditions, particularly in the field it is hard to keep frozen yogurt chilly, be that as it may, it is very prominent in the urban zones. Cambodian like tea and espresso similarly and they want to expend them with sugary, undiluted milk. Khmer food is very delicious, therefore everybody must taste it.
The sustenance inclination Cambodian are very much alike to those of Thai and Chinese yet without a doubt not the same. Despite the fact that Cambodia and Vietnam offer a fringe, the society and nourishment inclination are altogether different. Actually, Cambodian construction modeling, nourishment inclination, and so on are more like Thai than Vietnamese. In the event that you set out to Vietnam and to Cambodia, you will find that the cooking in every nation is altogether different. You will generally discover soups made of coconut drain and flavors that are a great deal like Thai cooking and not in any way like Vietnamese.
Khmer food, Cambodian food, CHICKEN WITH VEGETABLE, Khmer food cooking, Khmer cuisine